Wherever information technology is used today, a significant tension tends to exist between data potentially available on one hand and truly actionable information - at the right time, in the right hands, in the optimal format, on the appropriate device - on the other. This condition is so widespread that it is nearly considered a fact of life. At Esoptra, we call it ARID, for Access Related Information Deficit, and we have made it our mission to innovate and simplify the battle against it.
We observe, battle and conquer ARID across various data use cases, including traceability, asset tracking, workflow & report automation, content access & sharing, and unstructured data treatment.
Wherever information technology is used today, a significant tension tends to exist between data potentially available on one hand and truly actionable information - at the right time, in the right hands, in the optimal format, on the appropriate device - on the other. This condition is so widespread that it is nearly considered a fact of life. At Esoptra, we call it ARID, for Access Related Information Deficit, and we have made it our mission to innovate and simplify the battle against it.
We observe, battle and conquer ARID across various data use cases, including traceability, asset tracking, workflow & report automation, content access & sharing, and unstructured data treatment.