KeyTask is an application to provide on-demand, impeccable and quick key-services to home, offices and restaurants. The skilled, specialised and certified professionals will be connected and available in the nearest location to the consumers, through our intelligent and automated cross-platform. Key services include care, House-keeping/Cleaning, Repair/Renovate, Relocation, Barber/Beautician to-home and beyond.KeyTask will reach both parties, mostly by digital marketing following the get, keep and grow strategy. Membership and using the application for both parties are free. KeyTask will generate its revenue by charging a service commission fee from the consumers, on each service they will buy.
KeyTask is an application to provide on-demand, impeccable and quick key-services to home, offices and restaurants. The skilled, specialised and certified professionals will be connected and available in the nearest location to the consumers, through our intelligent and automated cross-platform. Key services include care, House-keeping/Cleaning, Repair/Renovate, Relocation, Barber/Beautician to-home and beyond.KeyTask will reach both parties, mostly by digital marketing following the get, keep and grow strategy. Membership and using the application for both parties are free. KeyTask will generate its revenue by charging a service commission fee from the consumers, on each service they will buy.